This amazingly rendered tank is just screaming to be built. Sunder_59 has used a number of elegant techniques that I can’t wait to adapt myself!
Tag Archives: tank
Tiny Tank [Instructions]
A big thanks to builders who like to share. I always learn so much when I build someone else’s model. This microscale tank by GolPlaysWithLego is full of great part usage and has a nice, minimal palette.

72006 Axl’s Rolling Arsenal
Honestly, I picked this set up as a lark. I wasn’t so much drawn to any of the elements or colors as I was to the chunky tank that is practically a cube. Continue reading 72006 Axl’s Rolling Arsenal
Daily Internet 1/17/18
Daily Internet 1/16/18
I like this little hover tank by P. B.
Happy Droneuary! Tom did a great job with this crew.
coffeetablebricks really hit close to my heart with this Space Ghost!
Daily Internet 1/3/18
Lovely tank render by Awesome O’saurus.
P. B. did a fantastic job with this little underwater mecha.
BrickHeadz® are a perfect medium for SD mecha like this Gundam by Lego-eunsang.
Daily Internet 5/31/17
A lovely departure from Gamabomb‘s usual mecha with this M1A2 Abrams.
Kelvin Low updated one of his older designs.
nobu_tary has a way with humanoid figures that I always envy.
- 21310 Old Fishing Store was officially announced over on the Lego Ideas Blog
Daily Internet 3/28/17
Carpet Lego has a sweet touch with these WWII armor.
Such great little space pods by David Roberts.
I love the Thomas the Space Train vibe on this mech by P. B.
These hardsuits by Carter have a great gritty feel.
Daily Internet 3/21/17
The colors on Damien Labrousse‘s shipwreck take me back to the sci-fi book covers of my youth.
This hover-tank by KANICHUGA is sweet.
So many awesome details packed onto this pair of walking tanks by Carter.
Daily Internet 2/22/17
I always appreciate the scaling difficulties inherent to building good looking LEGO tanks, and this M36 by Carpet Lego is excellent.
Eero Okkonen really nailed this bust of Admiral Ackbar!