I love a good micro build, and it really doesn’t come much better than this little ship by delayice. You’ll have to zoom in to appreciate the clever parts usage and techniques in there!
Tag Archives: micro
Naboo N-1 Grid Fighter.exe by x‿x
The GRID WARS contest has generated some lovely models, like this Naboo starfighter remix from x‿x. Then again, I’m a total sucker for translucent neon orange!

LEGO Micro Cities
I joined Instagram last year. One of the first amazing LEGO accounts that I discovered was @jeff_works. Jeff’s beautiful microscale cities are mesmerizing. When I heard a few months ago that he was releasing a book oh his designs, I knew that I had to get my hands on it. Lucky for me, No Starch Press was willing to send me a copy for review. Continue reading LEGO Micro Cities
Rives de Seine, Boulogne Billancourt by Damien Labrousse
It’s the beautifully sculpted angles that really caught me on this architectural model. Damien Labrousse did a lovely model of rendering these complex volumes. Click through to see other angles and details!
Gate Guardian by -SuspendedAnimation-
Check out the cool shockwave effect that -SuspendedAnimation- used for this mecha’s weapon. A ton of great texture packed into this tiny mecha.
Apple Park by Spencer_R
This model is simply breath-taking! Spencer_R has built a micro-scale masterpiece. Make sure to click through for all the photos.
International Space Station by Jussi Koskinen
There really aren’t enough realistic space models out there. Jussi Koskinen really captures the mechanical complexity of the ISS with this build.
Cloudy Village by Sarah Beyer
There is something so architectural and futuristic about these shapes rendered in white on a simple landscape. A lovely piece of nanoscale from Sarah Beyer.
City Block (Micropolis) by Tammo S.
Check out this fantastic block of European style apartment buildings by Tammo S. I love seeing this kind of urban fabric build in Micropolis, where layouts often don’t have the organic feel of a living city.
Greek Port City by Olivier Lego
This is an older build and sadly Olivier Lego doesn’t seem to be active anymore, but I can’t help but share this microscale build. The limited palette is perfect for the complex texture, instantly readable as classical architecture.