Check out the cool shockwave effect that -SuspendedAnimation- used for this mecha’s weapon. A ton of great texture packed into this tiny mecha.
Tag Archives: mecha
Mk-16 by Mitsuru Nikaido
Mitsuru Nikaido rarely disappoints, with his greebly signature style. This super-posable mecha is packed with detail!
Bastion by ZiO Chao
With the arrival of official Overwatch sets, I’m glad to see that builders like ZiO Chao are still putting their own spin on the popular game. This Bastion captures the chunky style perfectly.
Thunderbolt by Moko
As usual, Moko knocks it out of the park with this hulking black mecha. The densely detailed body implies a palpable sense of mass.
MFS-019 Octopus by Moko
I’m a huge fan of brightly colored builds like this amazing mecha. Moko is an extremely talented builder and I always look forward to new creations.
Robin’s Titan Battlesuit by Kelvin Low
Kelvin Low‘s signature style is in full effect with this new mecha. A sweet mix of system and technic elements complement the chunky look and the color blocking is on point!
0B-RN Fairy King by Omar Gonzalez
The mix of warm gold and bright bluish green is amazing in this mecha model. Omar Gonzalez manages to balance the complex color blocking and parts usage to create a lovely ornate texture.
The many Gundam series have produced an almost limitless wealth of mecha designs. I love seeing a builder like Moko putting his stamp on an uncommon model like this HY-GOGG. Make sure to click through and check out some of the other photos!.

Rita’s Stormer
I’ve been running mech workshops. Which means I’ve been building mechs of my own. Since Bricks Cascade is just around the corner, I figured to build a racer mech for the annual collab. How about a motorcycle riding mech? Continue reading Rita’s Stormer