It’s barely February, but LEGO® seasonal sets wait for no one. I was in my FLLBS (friendly local LEGO brand store) over the weekend and picked up the next of this year’s seasonal Brickheadz. Let’s check it out. Continue reading 40271 Bunny

It’s barely February, but LEGO® seasonal sets wait for no one. I was in my FLLBS (friendly local LEGO brand store) over the weekend and picked up the next of this year’s seasonal Brickheadz. Let’s check it out. Continue reading 40271 Bunny
I’d been eager to get my hands on this set since I saw it on the back of the instructions for 40236. As soon as they showed up at my local LEGO store, I made sure to grab a few (okay, 5). I could care less about the holiday, but I sure love the sets! Continue reading 40237 Easter Egg Hunt
I’m a little bit in love with the 8×8 vignettes that Lego is putting out for this year’s seasonal sets. I saw a picture of the Easter set in the back of the instructions for the Valentine’s Day set and I had to have it. Sadly every visit to the Lego Store came up empty. They were selling out as fast as they arrived. I finally decided to buy online from, but they were sold out too. I must admit that I had given up until I walked into the store last week to find a whole shelf of them. I bought four without hesitation. Continue reading 40121 Painting Easter Eggs