The foundations of my system for using LEGO to play D&D are the tiles: a system of modular tiles to create maps. I’ve designed a system that is both aesthetic and functional.
Continue reading LEGO DnD: Basic Tiles
The foundations of my system for using LEGO to play D&D are the tiles: a system of modular tiles to create maps. I’ve designed a system that is both aesthetic and functional.
Continue reading LEGO DnD: Basic TilesEarly in November, I stumbled across an Instagram hashtag that I’d never seen before: mapvember. The idea was simple, to post a roleplaying game map every day for a month. I’ve been doing some experiments with designing D&D maps with LEGO, so it seemed a perfect excuse to see what I could do with the concept. Continue reading Mapvember
Just like last month’s model (the Mimic), this adorable little monster started its life as a Mixel. I’ve always had a fascination with the more bizarre monsters from Dungeons & Dragons, especially those that might only come about through magical experimentation. The mutants of the fantasy world as it were. Continue reading Designer Notes: Gelatinous Cube
I’m what you might call an old gamer. I played Advanced Dungeons & Dragons with my friends as the first books came out. I haven’t been gaming much in recent years, but my son is finally of an age to take up the dice. Why not combine two of my favorite things? Continue reading LEGO & Dungeons & Dragons
This was a hard summer for me. I had (and am continuing to have) personal struggles that have dragged on my LEGO® motivation. The one thing that I kept a hold of was my tiny little trees. I posted a hundred trees on Instagram over the course of 100 days. Continue reading 100 Days of Trees
I’ve been building little trees again.
Sometimes I want to build something different, something that I have no idea how to start. I got it in my head recently to build a scene that involves a couple of vehicles. I don’t even know where to start when it comes to building cars, I’ve never done it. Luckily I had a resource for showing me how to build just what I needed: YouTube. Continue reading Building from YouTube
A while back, New Elementary put out a call for participants in one of their Festivals of Parts. They are one of my favorite LEGO blogs and a solid influence on the way that I write about my hobby, so I jumped at the opportunity. I wasn’t alone in wanting to test my skills, so it was lovely to be chosen to receive a bag of Nexogons. Continue reading Coronae Softworks
A couple of months back I volunteered to coordinate the Steampunk theme at Bricks Cascade 2017. Mostly it is an organizational position, helping make sure that everyone has a place for their models and that the displays look good for the public. On the attendee side of things, I’ll be responsible for judging models and awarding trophies. That also means that I had to build trophies to give away. Continue reading Steampunk Trophies
Growing up, I was always fascinated by storage tanks. They seemed mysterious, their contents unfathomable. Most of that is probably because I was an impressionable kid who never noticed signage and just wanted them to have secret lairs inside ala Thunderball. Continue reading Industrial Micropolis (part 2)