Last month, I attended my fifth Bricks Cascade. It was a big show and I had a lot of ups and downs this year. Continue reading Bricks Cascade 2018

Last month, I attended my fifth Bricks Cascade. It was a big show and I had a lot of ups and downs this year. Continue reading Bricks Cascade 2018
This last weekend I spend three days (plus a day of setup) repping PortLUG at the Rose City Comic Con! Three days of costumes and art and sharing my passion for LEGO®! Can you tell that it was exciting? Because it was! Continue reading Rose City Comic Con 2017
Two weeks ago, I attended my fourth Bricks Cascade. I was really excited going in, with 29 models registered and my first year as a volunteer theme coordinator. We were going to have a huge hall, twice the size of the largest hall we’d had in the past. It felt like a lot was riding on making this a great convention. Continue reading Bricks Cascade 2017
It’s October again and I spent the first weekend of the month at the venerable LEGO convention known as BrickCon. This was my third year of attendance and I decided to up my game, exhibiting models in four different themes and an open collaboration. Continue reading BrickCon 2016
This last weekend, I attended BrickCon 2015 in Seattle, Washington. Though it is not the largest of LEGO conventions, it is the longest running and draws builders (and the public) from all around the world. This was my second year there and I went with a completely different agenda than last time.
This last weekend PortLUG had a booth at our local Rose City Comic Con. We’d never put on a display at a comic convention before so it was all new territory for us. What made it even more interesting is that we were invited to present a panel on building Lego. I threw my hat in that ring and signed up for the madness. Continue reading Rose City Comic Con 2015
This last weekend I attended Bricks Cascade 2015 here in Portland, Oregon. As my home town Lego convention, I was joined by most of my friends from PortLUG and builders from all up and down the left coast. I had a lot more to show this year and I was looking forward to it.
This last weekend I attended my second Lego convention: BrickCon 2014. As the longest running convention on the West coast, BrickCon draws builders from all across the country and internationally. This would be my chance to meet some new builders and get to see their amazing creation up close. Continue reading BrickCon 2014
This past weekend I attended my first Lego convention: Bricks Cascade 2014. I’ve never been very interested in conventions, but I decided to attend because this is a local show that is closely affiliated with PortLUG (of which I am a member). I registered early and spent time building a MOC to display. Then I got a bit nervous.