I really enjoy the idea of bold civic buildings and I love the architecture of athletics. Though a full stadium would be too big for my city, a big pool would be just about perfect.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: City Swim CenterCategory Archives: Models
Micropolis Monday: Miller’s Hill Market
Many of the buildings in this project have been inspired by architectural drawings and models that I’ve seen. This fantastic design is a simplified version of something that is being built in South Korea and the wild audacity of it really stuck with me.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Miller’s Hill MarketMicropolis Monday: Townsend Hall
This model started as a sketch. I had time to kill at my day job and spent some of it planning and mapping. What I love about this building is how different it is from everything else that I’ve done.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Townsend HallMicropolis Monday: Sunrise Tower
I designed this building a couple years ago. It’s been gathering dust on my hard drive, but I’ve always loved the wild colors and shaping on this model. This 52 weeks of Micropolis project finally gave me the nudge to build it.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Sunrise TowerMicropolis Monday: Canal Pool
Years ago, I saw a picture of a pool floating in a river. It seems like the best of both worlds, the controlled water of a pool surrounded by larger expanse of cool water. This came to me as perfect way to finish off my series of canal modules.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Canal PoolMicropolis Monday: Canal Warehouses
As I get near the end of the canal-building phase of my project, it occurred to me that I wanted my canal to have a history of use beyond recreation. I pictured small boats carrying goods through the city. That would mean canal-side businesses and warehouses.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Canal WarehousesMicropolis Monday: Canal Junction
I didn’t want my canal to just be a straight line through my city, so I planned for it to split. Of course, that meant I needed more bridges. All of that lead to an even bigger module…
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Canal JunctionMicropolis Monday: Old Oak on the Canal
I had planned on a bigger build this week, but then I ran out of parts. Though I have a number of Bricklink orders inbound, I modified my plans to build something different.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Old Oak on the CanalMicropolis Monday: Pisces on the Canal
A canal might not be the ocean, but who could resist putting a sea food restaurant on its edge. Sunny summer days, dining on the deck with the water lapping below.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Pisces on the CanalMicropolis Monday: Canal Docks
A canal isn’t much of a canal without boats to travel its length. If you have boat traffic, then you’ll have places for those boats to tie up.
Continue reading Micropolis Monday: Canal Docks