Last weekend the family and I made our monthly trip to the Lego store. My wife and son browse the shelves and look at sets. He changes his mind a lot, overwhelmed by the choices, and she enjoys putting sets together. The trip is a little different for me. My first stop during most visits is the Pick-A-Brick wall.
Category Archives: General
Now that I have a space set aside for working with my Legos, I’ve pulled them out of the basement. Right away I realized that I was going to be in for a chore. My bricks are in a number of plastic tubs and trays, but with little organization. To make it a bit worse, there is a tangle of partially demolished models. I put them into storage hastily, so I did whatever I had to do to get them into bins. Now I am seeing the fruits of that haste.
Hello world!
I’ve started a new blog, and this one is going to be about Lego. I’ve been building with Lego since I was a wee lad and some of my earliest memories are of building on the floor while my dad worked. Over the years, my relationship with the hobby has waxed and waned. Now, I find myself getting involved again.