Category Archives: General



Last summer, the Lego Stores made some adjustments to their Pick-a-Brick walls. Word on the street was that we would be seeing more thematic parts selection, and for a while that seemed to be true. A whole slew of ‘Friends’ themed elements (all those bright colors) started showing up and individual bins were getting signage to indicate that they would complement different themes. Then the wall started to get stagnant. Continue reading Pick-a-Model

August Cup

august_cupLast week I felt the siren call of the Lego store, so my son and I took the bus. It actually takes two or three buses to get there, so it takes a good chunk of our day. I’ve had the impending Shiptember on the mind a lot lately, which has been coloring my parts acquisition. Since it had been a couple of weeks since my last visit, I was hoping that something magical would have appeared in the bins.

Continue reading August Cup