Inspiration has been coming inconsistently of late. This one came to me as the illustration of a spaceship, which imagining industrial buildings with a sci-fi flair. So I tucked into designing a futuristic factory.

I leaned into the theme with a color-blocked shell and beveled edges, detailed with vents and other openings. I wanted to strike a balance between utilitarian volumes and decorative elements.
The larger building is a factory, assembling high-tech items. The smaller building is a distribution center where finished goods are stored or shipped out to customers on trucks.

The back side of the building is less interesting, but still still has good details. I like the bus stop tucked in the corner and the industrial features projecting out of the green roof.

From above you can see that I’ve worked to use the site efficiently. The main structure takes up about 3/4 of the lot, wish a smaller building nestled in the bend.
This was a fun diversion from my usual buildings, yet still fitting with my utopian yearnings. I always want my models to show a better future, one where we have more livable cities.
Keep building and enjoy!