I’ve been building my way through a varied residential neighborhood, exploring different styles and densities. This week I built something a bit different.

I’ve lived most of my adult life as an apartment dweller, so gardening was never really available to me. I love the idea of community gardens. Though I have no interest in learning to garden, I like to see these shared spaces connecting otherwise isolated neighbors.

I really like how this little module came out. The garden plots are a bit exaggerated, but that is almost unavoidable when dealing with details like landscaping. I played with the texture of the dirt lot, leaving studs behind and between some of the sheds to represent the less well-trod ground and the likely debris that accumulates in these disused places.

Seen from above, there are a mix of plots on a broken grid, with paths between. I imagine that most of these plots would be sub-divided so that as many people as possible could have a little share.

I’m excited to be just over half-way through the residential portion of my Micropolis project, and it will be back to houses next week.
Keep building and enjoy!