Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and this year’s set is an adorable BrickHeadz puppy. This is definitely closer in theme than the 40270 Valentine’s Bee from last year. I just couldn’t resist his derpy tongue!

The box is nice, and the puppy is bearing classic romantic gifts.

A subdued palate of elements in the box. A lot of sand yellow, complemented by some splashes of bright red and dark green.

The puppy itself is a fun build. Like all of the other BrickHeadz that I’ve been reviewing this week, there are some interesting variations on the inner structure of his head. The changes allow his ears to lay flatter and the complementing curves create a pleasant illusion that the ears are following the curve of the head.
I really admire how restrained the designs are for the BrickHeadz sets, using subtle techniques to convey so much character.

The base is quite simple, with a flowers at either side. I’m not sure that the mix of flower elements works for me and they certainly feel like an afterthought. Especially since the brick-built rose that the puppy is holding is so nice.

A minor quibble about the base doesn’t detract from the fact that I really like the set. The puppy was a fun build and gave me ideas for another of my own projects. The price per piece is very reasonable at around 7¢ and there is a generous supply of extras. Pick up this cute set, you won’t be disappointed!
Keep building and enjoy!